
Namaste, Grüß Gott, Willkommen, G’day, Kia Ora 🙂

This non-profit-associacion is named

SpesMea Nepal e.V.

It has been registered at Amtsgericht Stuttgart since 02.Sept 2015 under the number VR 721973. It’s situated at

Malmsheimer Weg 24
71120 Grafenau


This non-profit-association is allowed to issue donation receipts according to the German tax terms.

To become a member – we are so far (10-01-2016) 18 !!!! 🙂 –  click here, download and send to the address on form or to donate please contact:

The money goes directly and WITHOUT detours to the people / places that need it. The basic idea of helping with our association may perhaps be best described with a story:

An old man walked regularly along the beach early in the morning and one day he saw someone picking up something and throwing it into the ocean.  When he got closer he saw that it was a child picking up starfish and throwing it into the sea.
“Why are you doing this?”, the old man asked.
“Because the starfish will die laying here in the sun”, the child replied.
“Well, you will have a hell of a job to do saving all of them, the beach is many miles long and there are thousands of starfish which are stranded! So there is no use in even staring”.
The child looked at the starfish in his hand, smiled and while he threw it back into the sea, he replied: “For this one it will make a difference.”