
WG: Re: Greetings,,,

—–Original-Nachricht—– Betreff: Re: Greetings,,, Datum: 2019-05-30T10:23:40+0200 Von: “Sonam Lama” An: “” Dear Andrea Berner, Namaste,,, Hope you are fine and doing well. We all along with Maya Tamang are in good health and having good days at school. The regular classes and extra activities are also going well as our school calendar 2019/2020. The days are much hotter and longer as well. She is doing good in class Five and enjoying her days…. Thanks for all your love and support.

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generally godchildren

Sponsorships (12 children are still waiting)

.. so far, I think, WE have not mentioned how to become a supporter or sponsor of a child. 10 Euros a month can also be summed up to 120 Euros a year, which might be easier for people doing PayPal! However, try to not forget to pay in the next year too! (although WE do remind people,too😁) WE will then let U Know which child u are Supporting. If u have any question please write to me! Andi (Andrea)

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Bericht Weihnachten 2018/19

Ich wünsche euch allen von Herzen ein gesegnetes, glückliches, gesundes, neues Jahr und auf dass ihr froh und zufrieden sein könnt mit dem, was ihr habt! Die Reise liegt nun schon eine Woche zurück und langsam komme ich ans Aufarbeiten der Erlebnisse. Zugegeben 15 Tage sind nicht gerade viel, um all die Dinge zu erledigen, die sich auf der „muss-gemacht-werden-Liste“ angesammelt hatte. Schließlich war es ein ganzes Jahr seit meiner letzten Reise nach Nepal. Nima, der ja im Sommer da

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Mission complete!

IT was all worth it! Collecting and transporting the second hand valuables from friends, like children shoes and some winter clothes, Käthe’s hand knitted socks. Although it felt like I had packed only bricks into my mega suitcase, when I tried to drag my huge suitcase from Terminal to Terminal in Frankfurt. My “porters” were far away, waiting for me in Nepal. So, it was “drag it yourself” time. But once again I know I will do it again. I

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