
Spendenwanderung, Sonntag, 7. Mai 2023 in Bühl

Am Sonntag, 7. Mai 2023 findet in Bühl (Sportgelände des SV Bühl, Sengentalstraße 60, 72072 Tübingen) wieder eine Spendenwanderung statt. Infos dazu sind hier zu finden. Unser Verein kann hier auch unterstützt werden. Außerdem kann über das Spendenformular auch gerne direkt gespendet werden. Jetzt Spenden für „Hilfe für Menschen in Nepal“ bei unserem Partner

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The ocean within… :)

The happiness I feel calls for silence –   but then again.. if I keep it all inside, I can‘t share and happiness needs to be shared, especially since you all have a part in it. And.. I must admit I am afraid of exploding if I try to keep it all inside. Words are sometimes just not sufficiant to express true feelings, but nevertheless I try. Here a glimpse of what I have been blessed with. The ones who

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Long time no hear

Namaste to you all and I sure hope peace prevails in all your hearts in these crazy times. We are all fighting our own battles with every day life and some are doing better, others aren’t. I just wanted to update the things which have not really changed. We are still happy to be helping almost 80 children with their fees at school in Nepal. Until March we are also hoping to have the school fees together for 4 of

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Kandi, Chonge, Kanchi, Dorje and a long list of sponsored children

Here some news about the children. When I was there a week ago most of them were just going through the end of school term exams. That’s why I was not able to catch up with many of them. But as for our three „shared“ children –  here are some news: They were the first children I fell in love with in the village and along with two others I think they are the main reason why we ended up

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